Or, we reach a point in our lives when the power of youth is gone and the dreams of earlier times seem shallow or pointless. Then we begin asking ourselves really tough questions: What really matters? Who am I? What am I meant to do during my lifetime?
Can you identify with any of the following questions?
- Are you searching for more meaning in your life?
- Do you feel you are wandering?
- Do you want to break free of your current situation?
- Is fear holding you back from enjoying life or making a change?
- Are you lost and looking for a direction?
- Do you need better communication in your relationship/marriage?
- Do you have a big career decision to make and not clear on what to do?
- Does your past haunt you and keep you from reaching your full potential?
- Are you often overwhelmed?
- Are you at a crossroads and need to decide which path to travel?
- Does grief leave you without meaning?
- Has loss of a beloved pet left you empty inside?
- Have you experienced betrayal?
- Is your self-esteem at its very lowest?
- Are you looking for a way to explore new beginnings and make change happen?

Working with an Equine Gestalt Coach is the best of all possibilities when faced with a troubling situation or unclear direction. During your professional coaching session, you will experience personal awakenings and new insights that will alter how you feel and think for the rest of your life. You will become a believer that your time spent with your Equine Gestalt Coach and her horse partner was the best investment in yourself you have made in a very long time.
Horses have an innate sense that has kept them safe from predators for centuries. They live in the here and now and are aware of what is going on all around them, including our energy fields and our body language. When we are in the horse’s presence, they know if we are excited, nervous, or calm. You might say they are our “lie detectors” while also being our “bodyguard”.
As your Equine Gestalt Coach, I am there with you every step of the way to assist you in creating your direction. Horses and humans thrive on safety, comfort, love, connection, significance and growth. Let’s begin the journey of learning from each other.
Equine Gestalt Coaching provides a bottomless reservoir of opportunities to seek…
- Freedom from your past
- Insights on why you have made the choices you have in the past
- Clarity around making next decisions
- Power to take control over your life choices
- Closure with a loved one
- Your authentic self/life’s meaning
- Pure joy and love of life
- Tranquility/Peace
Individuals choose one of two locations for their sessions. Individual sessions are usually booked in 2 hour increments. Upon arrival, the individual will meet the horses and then begin the work. Coaching is usually done in a confidential, informal setting in the barn or outdoor arena with the horse nearby. The individual chooses what they would like to work upon that is hindering their positive progress. The coach will ask questions that increase the individual’s personal awareness and uncover astonishing treasures of information. Once the individual has greater clarity around why they feel a certain way or have been making certain choices, the new path becomes much clearer.
We offer private sessions and one-day gatherings, as well as multi-day workshops and retreats where a group of like-minded individuals meet to share, learn and support each other. Participation in workshops or retreats is normally limited to a maximum of 10 registrants. Upon request, we will tailor an event for your group.
Visit our Events Page often to keep tract of upcoming events or contact us to discuss an event tailored for your needs.
Individuals experience overwhelming gratitude when difficult experiences are turned into powerful, life-changing catalysts that guide you towards positive change. Participants embody worthiness when strengths become your focus. Peace is experienced when the horse stands beside you without judgment and honors your feelings and your life. The Horse Connection provides a safe place to bury the past, face difficult challenges head-on, expose your weaknesses and shed tears with the horses so your new life can unfold before your very eyes. It is time for you to make room for new endeavors and unlived possibilities.
What to Do Next
Carolyn invites you to contact her to schedule your complimentary session to discuss realistic expectations and available options.